AAHA Certification
Unlike "schools" of graphology that offer a diploma and call it certification, the American Association of Handwriting Analysts (AAHA) offers you the opportunity to be tested for knowledge and application of your graphology skills by us, an independent organization.
This is an esteemed level of professional certification with the full weight of this organization behind you.
AAHA Accreditation says that we know you are a skilled, ethical and professional graphologist.
This is an esteemed level of professional certification with the full weight of this organization behind you.
AAHA Accreditation says that we know you are a skilled, ethical and professional graphologist.
The accreditation process is completed in two parts:
Successful completion both parts of this exam bestows the highest honor and title of "Accredited Certified Member." An AAHA Certified Member is considered to be a qualified professional graphologist. |
Qualifications for Examination:
1. The candidate must be an Affiliate Member of AAHA. (This means the potential candidate must applied for membership, been approved, and has received their Affiliate Membership packet.) 2. A minimum of two years of independent study, or a minimum of one year of structured study through a graphology school is required before you may request the Associate level examination. 3. Apply for Examination by contacting our AAHA Accreditation Chair to request this (use the button below.) |
Ready to get started?
Need a refresher. President Cindy Cheaves conducted a free online class. The recordings, with the lessons and homework are posted on this website under Members > Members Only (log in required) then > Educational Videos. These are FREE to all AAHA members! And you can review them anytime. Send in homework to [email protected] for grading and mentoring. Part One is the Exam for Associate Accreditation, $150.00 USD. Successful completion awards you an Associate Level Membership with voting privileges.
Part Two follows successful completion of the Part One exam. Part Two is the Exam for Certified Accreditation, $200.00 USD. Successful completion is the highest accreditation and membership level that we offer! |
AAHA encourages all members to become a Certified graphologist to increase the standard of excellence in the graphological community, as a whole. Successful completion of the Associate Exam (part 1) bestows a higher level of AAHA Membership and voting privileges. Completion of the Certification Exam (part 2) is the highest recognized level of professional achievement among your peers here at AAHA.